How to setup Player Count Bots

This guide will walk you through the setup process for Player Count Bots

Please ensure that you have correctly set up your servers in the dashboard before continuing. Please check here for more info.

Step 1 Creating a bot

The first step is to head to the discord developer portal. This can be done here:

You will need to sign in with your discord account

Upon signing in and landing on the page above you will need to click the "New Applications" button at the top right.

Give your application name for example "Rust Arcade EU" and then click create

Once created on the left-hand side select "Bot"

Then select Add Bot. This will add a bot to your application. You should then name it in the "Username" field and also provide an image. Typically your server's logo. These can all be done now or later.

The next process is to click the "Reset Token" button under the Username field. This will create a very long line of characters. This is your bot's token. Make sure to copy this and keep it to hand.

Depending on your Discord setting you may need to enter an authentication token to get access to doing this.

It's very important to not share this token! It is to be kept private.

You have now successfully created a bot!

Step 2 Adding your new bot to your server

Once your bot has been created, click on the left-hand side OAuth2 -> URL Generator

Once on this page, click the bot check box

Do not add any other permissions to the bot. It does not require any other permissions

Scroll down to see the generated URL at the very bottom. Copy this link and paste it in your browser and press enter. This will create you a discord bot invite message. Simply invite it to your server. You will then see that the bot has join your Discord Server.

Step 3 Connecting your bot to GST

The last step is to connect your bot to GST.

Head to the Discord Bots section of the dashboard or click here. You will then see the list of bots you have available to you.

Click on one of the bots and it will expand the bots settings. Paste your bot token that we got earlier in Step 1 and then select your server from the drop-down list.

Click update bot and you are done!

It can take up to 10 mins for your bot to come online.

If you can't see any servers in the drop-down this means you have not added any servers to your dashboard. Please do so here

If you have any issues don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Last updated